Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I painted that


Audrey said...

Becks that looks so cute! It reminds me of of house in California. Ask aunt Lynelle, she had the room that you and Jessica shared and it had a bid yellow sun painted on the ceiling.

Audrey said...

Becks you need to download Picasa at
This is a photo organizer and it had a tool that can set up your pictures. The collage tool is what I use! Let ne know if you need help downloading it. It is free to download!

GoFish Creative said...


I like your room. How did you paint such straight lines? Great idea.

Keep up the blog'n!

SHOP said...

Hey Beka Boo,
So whats the scoop? That room is awesome, you should ditch the dental idea and go for interior design! It reminds me of a Japanese sunrise.
your blogger pal.